
Change is Needed

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”

Introduction to ClearMath

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”

One of the people to whom this quote is attributed is Einstein. Regardless of the origin, what matters is the point it makes. If you want to change the end result, you need to change the way you do things.


ClearMath offers a fundamentally different “way” of teaching and learning which has consistently demonstrated higher student performance. This is achieved by requiring reasoning that leads to principles and concepts. The status quo of merely memorizing principles, rules, and methods (rote learning) leads to poor retention and creates bored students (and teachers). The tedium of this mechanical process causes many students to lose interest in mathematics. The payoff of the ClearMath reasoning approach is higher levels of analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and self-esteem. The improved self-worth and confidence that this methodology brings to both students and teachers are among its most distinguishing factors.

Learning how to count, measure, and get answers are very important. They are foundational. Mnemonics are offered to students to help arrive at the correct answer without the understanding of the mathematical concept involved. These memorization techniques may be effective when answers are the main objective. However, arrival at the correct destination without any idea of how one got there leaves one mystified and confused.

ClearMath® Methodology Is The Antithesis Of Rote Learning...

Traditional methods are heavy on “rote learning” which results in fragmented understanding, lack of retention, and ambiguity. ClearMath is the antithesis of rote learning. By emphasizing percepts, such as language, patterns, and especially context (making connections), rote learning is replaced by critical thinking.

Context Is Key...

The intangible nature of critical thinking makes this methodology, with its emphasis on context, imperative. Most of the time, context is needed to form “big picture” understanding. Problem-solving (application) requires an understanding of the bigger picture – it forces students to put concepts in context to develop a solution. Learning how to use the saw and hammer doesn’t mean that one can go out and build the house. Procedure and tools, in a sense, have nothing to do with learning how to problem-solve. Context is the key to in-depth learning. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are the natural consequences of the ClearMath methodology.


What do others say about ClearMath?

“ I am attending Johns Hopkins University and presently applying to medical school. I was first taught the ClearMath style of learning while I was an eighth grader. It is a major reason for where I am today. ClearMath's contextual treatment of percepts truly grows critical thinking. Understanding a concept is euphoric. This type of learning becomes satisfying, habit forming, and is cross - curricular. ClearMath is still having an impact on my future.”
Jonathan Dong
Johns Hopkins University
“Math used to be my least favorite subject. I just did not like it. After my ClearMath experience, I can not get enough of it. Now, math is my favorite subject. I am even doing better in my other subjects. School is more fun.”
Nora Clark
4th Grader
"I have been a student of Mr. White for nearly four years. In these years I have scored a 28, a 34 and twice a 36 on the math portion of ACT, a 5 on AP Statistics, a 5 on Calculus BC with a Calculus AB Sub-score of 5 and was accepted into the Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics. None of these feats would have been possible without Mr. White. In my experience, ClearMath® made studying and learning incredibly efficient and transformed my way of thinking.”
Will White
10th grade
“ This is a game changer! After the first year of my ClearMath internship, I had the feeling that I had learned more math in that year than all prior years. This methodology definitely makes an impact. If I understand math better, I can teach it better.”
Trey Smith
Curriculum Supervisor, Laurel Co. Schools
“When the perceptual imperatives started resonating and connecting, I knew then that I was hooked on this methodology. My cognitive being soared! When I teach, my mission is to get my students to see and hear mathematics the same way that I perceive it. That is when the euphoric feeling of in-depth learning is generated. I have a masters degree with literacy as my specialty. All I want to do now is teach math as well as experience the creation and growth mindset of critical thought. This was the breath of fresh air that I needed to make me feel truly professional, a craftsman. I will never be able to go back to a text and rote form of teaching.”
Meredith Chandler
Educator, London Elementary
“My wife and I are thrilled to see how engaged our three sons are in learning critical thinking and problem solving skills. We find it very interesting to see how ClearMath® transforms perception to ideas and those ideas to context. ClearMath® is dynamic and we consider it a blessing to our family.”
Allen Sullivan

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Fragments to Mosaic by Don White

The Art of Teaching Math to Shape Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills