

ClearMath® is Speaking and Comprehending the Language of Math

ClearMath® is the communication that transitions into conceptual understanding and critical thinking. On the other side of the coin, rote learning helps make the grade in the class, then fades away. It leads to fragmented learning and superficial understanding.

Conceptual learning is defining vocabulary well and communicating it in a contextual form.

When the perception that “math is a language” is established, it becomes clear that continuous dialogue is vital. How do you learn any language in depth unless you are immersed and continually use it?

Vocabulary Becomes Vital

…..…”subtraction is adding opposites”…”division is multiplication by reciprocals”…”the point halfway between two points in the Cartesian Plane is the mean of the abscissas and the mean of the ordinates”…”the volume of any right solid is the product of the base area and the height of the solid”…”standard deviation is the square root of the variance”…”by the way, the variance is the average of the squared difference from the Mean”…


Conversational Math might just be the thing that defines this methodology.

In the above communication please be aware that context is the heart of the methodology. The antithesis is rote. These two words demand clear definition.

rote /‟rot/ noun

Learning something in order to be able to repeat it from memory, rather than in order to understand it.

con-text /‟kan-teskt/ noun

The connections that collectively make an idea fully understood…the connections may preceed and/or follow the idea.
Latin: con “together” + texere “to weave”


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